Hunter Biden Tied To Chinese Communist Party?

Our Shared Opportunity: A Vision for Global Prosperity

Our Shared Opportunity: A Vision for Global Prosperity / Kaveh Sardari
/ Copyright: 2012 Kaveh Sardari / Flickr / (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Hunter Biden is notorious for his dirty schemes and abusing his power as the president’s son. We’ve seen him:

Now, it’s been revealed that Hunter Biden invested in two Chinese companies. These enterprises have ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its military… 

His long-time business partner, Eric Schwerin, sent him an email in March 2017. It showed that Hunter Biden’s private equity firm held a 5% stake in Harves Amusement Parks… and interest in Harves Sports and Entertainment. 

Schwerin wrote, “Harves Group: 5% in Harves Amusement Parks.” Then he also stated that Hunter Biden has “ownership in Harves Sports and Entertainment.” 

These two companies are backed by China’s development bank and are also tied to the Chinese military…

Joe Biden’s introduction to the Harves Group came about two years earlier. Francis Person, an adviser to the demo-rat, invited Hunter Biden to China to meet business partners from the Harves Group.

Hunter Biden’s partnership with these two CCP affiliated companies is likely the result of liberal schemes…

This triggered our patriot leaders to check Hunter Biden’s suspicious email activity. Senator Marsha Blackburn believes that the Biden family’s business dealings need to be investigated. 

She said on Fox News, “The Attorney General should immediately appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Communist China.”

Minority Whip of the United States House of Representatives Steve Scalise is also furious. “[The] Biden Administration’s appeasement of China is dangerous, and the entanglements that people close to or directly in the Administration have with the CCP are alarming.”

Then he added that American taxes might be getting sent to CCP. Scalise added, “In fact, just this week, House Democrats have a bill on the floor that gives billions to UN funds that have sent American taxpayer dollars directly to the CCP. Full investigations into these practices are needed, and House Republicans will be conducting rigorous oversight when we take back control of the House.”

Now, the New York Times has decided to sue the Biden State Department for their involvement in Hunter Biden’s emails…

Author Peter Schweizer shared his thoughts about Hunter Biden’s suspicious email activities. He said, “I think a lot of these newsrooms did not want to cover these stories…They were sort of putting their fingers on the scale as far as politics are concerned.”

Then he added, “[This is] an important story, and it speaks to the pattern of corruption that exists in the Biden family as it relates to these overseas dealings.”

When all the dots are connected, it would seem that there are more illegal activities to come with the Biden family’s political and financial ties. This should be more than enough evidence to investigate treasonous actions by this family.

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One Thought to “Hunter Biden Tied To Chinese Communist Party?”

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